Saturday, September 22, 2012

Letters Dated July 29, 2012

Dear Mom,
Hey Mom, how are you?! I hope you had a safe, great, not too stressful week!:) My week was very good, not too eventful, but good! Sunday church was great! Monday cleaned small, played soccer, then went to Takoradi and emailed. Afterward, went to Angelous's and had FHE. Went great! Tuesday District meeting was good, met our new couple missionaries, Elder and Sister Bybee from Utah. Really nice! After district meeting, all of our appointments fell through, so we walked alot. But it's ok. I wasn't feeling so hot, so it's good. Weds appts fell through again so we walked and talked alot again, then went to PEC meeting, which went great!:) Thurs taught 2 really really good lessons! Friday had surprise interviews with President Shulz, which went good. He laid down the law on some disobedient missionaries. Afterward, taught 2 really great lessons. It was awesome!:) Saturday we walked tons, appts fell through but we were able to see Ebenezer, 30 yrs old, wow that lesson was awesome! An hour and a half we taught him! It was a great lesson!!!:) Sunday was good, 3 investigators came to church. Taught 2 of them and then had meetings. Today was great! Now I'm full. I made me and my companion spaghetti and mashed potatoes, mmmm yummy! Nothing I'm sure like what you ate! Well, papers almost up! I love you mom and family! have a great week and know that I love you!!
Oh, and the president of Ghana died Thurs, July 26, 2012.
Elder Cody Randall

Dear Dad,
How are you doing? How's the week? How's work? Any new questions you got for me? I'd love them!:) As usual, Mom's letter has what I did during the week! This week's study was good! Read Alma ch 5 and Wow, that chapter! Asks tons of inspired questions and gives answers for us now in our day and age! It's really cool! Ch 6 vs 6  God is commanding all to fast and pray for others who don't know the gospel. Ch 7 talks a lot about the importance and need for repentance and baptism. Ch 8 v 15 I had a question. The angel who visits Alma, was it Abinadi? and then something cool is in v 31 the power that was given to them. Ch 9 alot about repentance and the importance of it. Ch 10 talks more on Amulek, and something I thought was cool was in v12 gives an example on how by 2 or 3 witnesses you will know the truth of all things. Also says that the righteous can save the wicked and help them in all things. Really good reading this week! I love this book and will forever read it!! I always learn something new, its awesome, and again I LOVE IT! Again, thank you so much for everything! I love and miss you so much and again if you have any questions, ask me. I love questions! Have a great week!
Elder Cody Randall

Letters dated July 22, 2012

Dear Mom!
How's it going?! I hope all is well! Everything is GREAT here!:) Exceept for last night I was cooking a stew, and I bought onions, garlic, and what I thought was a small green bell pepper, but was actually a small green pepper. So I came home, chopped everything up and cleaned the seeds of the pepper out with my hands. Now after I finished I started to fry them. About this time, my fingers were on FIRE!! It seriously felt like I was placing my fingers over a fire! But I couldn't cool them down or get it to stop! So from 9 pm to aroung 1 a.m. I was awake trying to get my fingers to get cool! I'd rinse them in cold water, then 1-2 mins later they'd be back on fire and I'd have to do it again! NO BUENO!!! But as for my week, it was great!:) Monday after football (soccer) and emailing, we went to Bro. Angelus's house and had fufu, sooo good!!:) and FHE it was great! Tues District meeting was okay. lol But the rest of the day went great, met a new girl named Natasha, 19, super smart, Americanized, she's cool. Been teaching her! Weds. was good, taught some good lessons then had PEC it was a good day. Thurs was great again! Saw Natasha, Solomon, and Aban, all over 18, smart people. Friday saw Elizabeth 24ish, and James, and it was good, great lessons! The work here is alot slower than that of Mankessim, but it's okay. Saturday was a bust, all of our appts fell through. So we just met new people and talked to them, it was good!:) Church was good. taught 2 good lessons, both on faith. Great day! My stew that I made last night is really good, so I'm happy. Thought it'd turn out too hot, but it didn't, it's good!:) I love you mommy, and miss you tons!
Elder Cody Randall

Dear Dad!
How are you?! I hope all is well back at home! Everything's great here! Enjoying!!:) Again, told Mom all about my week, so share. lol. So this week my personal study was great. (like always). Read Mosiah, I learned in 23:7 how it says no man is greater than another man! And basically, all of it talks of how we need to always repent and give thanks to the Lord. Chapter 26:18, 20-23 are great talks about missionary work! and only by Jesus Christ can we be saved. 26:24-28 kinda sad, but its a warning to us. 26:29-32 talks more on repentance and 26:35-36 what happens if you don't repent (change) 27:25 I like 27:36-37 missionaries. I'm now about to start Alma. I've been deep reading alot and it's fun! I'm loving it and enjoying it! I love you dad and feel free to ask me any questions you have:) Love to hear then! I love you! Be safe and hug and kiss EVERYONE for me!
Elder Cody Randall

Letters dated 7/15/2012

**First, an apology from Cody's Mom, who has been terrible at updating the blog. The mail hasn't been very good lately, recently receiving 8 letters in 1 day, then going a month with nothing.:( So, I will strive to do better**

Letter 7/15/2012
Dear Mom,
How are you?! I hope you're getting all of my letters! Hey, so guess what? I love you! So this week has been great. Monday, nothing too exciting, just went to Takoradi and pulled out money and went to the Internet cafe. And I got to email you!:) Tuesday, district meeting then we went and I took all of my pants to the "sew man" to resize, and then we taught 3 people. It was great! Weds. was dead, no appointments stuck, they all fell through! But it's ok. Pec and Ward council were good! Thurs. was great, saw a new investigator and a girl and boy, preparing them for baptism. Friday, saw another new investigator, one lesson fell through but it's ok, we saw another new investigator and Justice, a recent convert who's moving to Accra. Saturday was great! Went out and saw another new investigator, then we organized activities at the church. It was sweet! almost all of the youth came and 2 or our investigators came and didn't want to leave LOL it was great!:) Sunday was great! I was asked to give the opening prayer, then we taught 2 of our investigators, it was great! Today was a good day. I made some no-bakes and a new stew and mmm the stew is yummy! Fried onions, green peppers, garlic, yummy, and ya, my "taste buds" have changed!:) So how is everything? Still wanting handwritten letters from you all! Oh, and pictures, too! I love you mommy! and I miss you all so much! I'm doing great and loving it here! I can't tell you how grateful I am to you and dad for everything! I love you!
All my love,
Elder Cody Randall

Dear Dad,
I Love You! pu paaaaa pu! (very much)
I told Mom all about my week, so you can read it there. LOL. This week I've been reading Mosiah and D&C and wow! King Noah was a wicked man! Chapters 15 & 16 are great chapters testifying of Christ and how we can be with him again. I learned alot in them. Seriously, my book is like a coloring book, I think it's quite funny!lol Chapter 18 is good as well, talks about Alma and his conversion and where he was. Do you know who baptized him? Read 18 and you'll find out! I've also come to find out that that Doctrine and Covenants was going to be called the book of commandments. Crazy, huh? But I came to know through study that verse 6-7 in section 1 are like a preface to the D&C. Verse 9 is self explanatory, and 16 talks about how we should have our priorities straight and go on a mission....................Anyway, I hope everything's going great at home! I love and miss you all! And I'm letting you know I'm great!:) I am growing in aspects I didn't even know were possible! I love you, be safe daddy!
With all my love,
Elder Cody Randall