Hey Mom!
So, this past week has been pretty good! Monday, as you know, was deep cleaning day. Not too fun, had to scrub the gross bathroom! No Bueno! I couldn't remember how to spell bueno! What?! So, Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 had district meeting and instructed on obedience. Taught 3 sweet lessons but had to clase early because of rain! Wed 3 Oct the day kinda fell apart, rained all morning. Finally let up for us to teach our powerful investigator, Samuel, so smart! 4 Oct Thurs I was sick so I just stayed at home and played "golf" a new card game I learned. Went by kinda fast. Elder Baird was sick with a bug so me and him stayed home while the others went out. Oct 5, Friday, good morning. Me and my companion, or "son" are ALOT different than each other. It's kinda hard sometimes, but we are still enjoying. God works in mysterious ways. lol. Had a great lesson with a girl by the name of Celestina, then taught another sweet lesson to a girl named Esi. It was sweet. They're both super smart! Then we went and taught Bro. Samuel again, he's so powerful, it's crazy, so smart, too. He is really big into families so it's awesome to teach him. We just got done teaching the plan of salvation. Then we had a party for Elder Okaka, my MTC mate, had fufu, brownies, and fan ice soo yummy! Awesome day!:) Sat Oct 6 - taught 2 great lessons to Constance, a girl we will be baptizing Oct 21, then taught a girl named Cecilia the BofM powerful lessons! Had to end early again cuz of the rain! Then, today, Oct 7, Sunday, was great! Church got moved to 8:30 a.m. instead of 10:30 a.m. so kinda not happy about that, but it's good! It was a great Sunday! Testimony meeting was great! Went up and bore mine. I think I've bore my testimony every fast Sunday here. It's sweet! Got a sweet referral today, so excited to be teaching him! He's a smart man! This area is sweet! I love it here, mom, and I'm enjoying! I love you all and hope all is Great! Be safe and know I love you and we're working hard!
Elder Cody Randall
Hey Dad!
How's it going? I hope and pray and is well and you're all safe! Things are going GREAT here in Ghana. This area Telecom is a sweet area! Alot of great members and people here! Should be having between 4-8 baptisms in the next 3 months. Sweet, right?! So, as I was saying, life's great here! LOVE IT!! Learning somethng new everyday. I always write some sayings on my planner for remembrance and motivation. The things for this planner are 1. "Don't judge me cuz I sin differently than you" 2. "Every person is my superior is one way" and 3. "Lose yourself in the service of God". and on the back "Just Do It!" Yeah, buddy, we be workin! So in answer to your question about Moses 3:7, so from my understanding I think we are considered SOULS in a body. You read we are Spirit children and when we entered into our body we became a "living soul" maybe meaning someone who can grow and learn, where to a spirit can't grow. And when we read, the prophets always advise us to serve with all our heart mind and soul, meaning EVERYTHING we have! But idk, that's just what I think. Another question is how, or can the soul die? Just something that came to my head just now. But, ya, so lately, I've been reading alot of the Bof M and New Testament. I'm in Alma 56 about Moroni, he's so powerful. The example he sets for his sons or people is so amazing! Alma 48:17 says all that needs to be said about Moroni. Also, the love Helaman had for the 2000, or as he called them, his sons, was great. Every battle fearing they might have died, but not one had fallen, what great faith the young men had! There is a blessing and a curse put upon America. As you read in Alma 45:16, and you remember if you are faithful you shall prosper in the land. God throws us curve balls of heart ache and accidents to STRENGTHEN us and our faith, not to destroy it. Faith is that of a muscle. If you want to become stronger, do you do nothing, or stay at the same weight? NO! You test yourself and push yourself. Just like God does to strengthen our faith. I love you Dad! Thank you for everything! Have a safe and great week!
Elder Cody Randall
Hey Lauren!
How's it going baby girl? Everything here in good ole Ghana is GREAT!lol. Mom told me you are doing amazing in volleyball. So great job! That's my girl! She also told me you are having tons of fun with the sport, she says you're very athletic which is AWESOME! Sorry that I'm missing out on it, but don't worry, when I get home, I'll make up for the lost time! You can show me all your volleyball moves and all your new soccer moves. It'll be sweet cuz I've gotten pretty good at soccer now, too. So it'll be awesome. Get to see who's better!:) Well, sweetie pie, everything here is great, like I said. Really having a lot of fun! I'd say I'm becoming a pretty sweet cook, too! My companion, Elder Lucas, has taught me how to cook some pretty yummy things. I'll show you all my tricks when I get home!:) I'm in a new area as well, called Telecom its in Assin Foso. It's a nice place, I like it alot! The missionary work is really progressing and the members are really cool!:) Kinda all the wards are like my family somehow. They all LOVE me. I mean, who can't, right?! We should be having a baptism this coming 21 October, so it should be sweet!:) Laurenarella, I miss you!! I love you so much!!
All my Love,
Elder Cody Randall